Miracle Plan for Weight Loss After 50: Unlock the Secret

Before starting any new health regiman, check with your health care provider.

I am in my mid 60’s and I have finally cracked the code on what I thought was an impossible problem:  how to lose weight when you are over fifty.  First a little background.

I have had to watch my weight my whole life.  I remember being what I thought was heavy way back into my teens.  When I look at photos of myself at that time, I was NOT large in any way.  I was normal, and I only wish I had realized that because I have spent my entire life worrying about my weight.  If you are reading this, you, too, have probably been consumed with the number on the scale.  It’s great that so many people say it’s not what’s on the outside, it’s what’s on the inside; however, my guess is that none of them have ever struggled with their weight.

Can We Win the War With Fat?

It’s an on-going war, this battle of the bulge, and it is one that becomes more difficult to win as we age.  I am not sure if it is because I have dieted my whole life, or it is because I am post-menopausal (I think it is probably a combination of the two) but I have more or less given up over the last ten years, and I found myself about 40 pounds over my ideal weight.  Ugh.  I tried everything to lose it, from drinking shakes (I hate shakes—how did I think I would be able to stay with a plan that was based on drinking my meals?) to counting calories to Weight Watchers to…well, you get my drift.  I have come to know Jenny C., Oprah, Marie Osmond, and many others very well in my struggles.  But what worked for them was a failure for me.

If losing weight was difficult when I was 30 and a struggle when I was 45, it became impossible as I passed through menopause.  And at some point, I gave up.  That’s when those extra 5 pounds turned into ten, then twenty, and finally, forty. 

Has My Body Given Up on Losing Weight?

I blame myself in part.  I think that decades of dieting truly screwed up my system so that my body deeply resists anything it perceives as leading to having to give up a pound or two.  I swear that my fat cells groan and roll their eyes if they detect they may be deprived.  Here she goes again, they must say.  The harder I try to get rid of them, the more they dig in for the fight.  And for the last ten years, they have been winning.

The Turning Point

About two years ago I heard about yet another weight-loss method.  This came at a time when I was turning to a plant-based diet, which I talk about in another post.  What matters is that I was consuming a little less in calories, eating in a way that I knew was better for me, but my weight was not changing as I had hoped it would.  Let’s face it, cutting out much of the meat, dairy, and eggs from my diet was a change that would help my overall health, I knew, but the real motivation was that I thought it would be a solid plan to help me lose weight!

Is a Plant-Based Diet the Answer?  NO!

Sadly, it didn’t.  I ate tons of veggies, which I love, beans, which I don’t love but eat anyhow for the protein, and many faux-meat products, which I do like.  I also ate many new foods—jackfruit, seitan, tofu, and a variety of other items that have taken me on an epicurean adventure.  It has helped my numbers level off to a much healthier place, but it hasn’t done squat for my weight

Really?  How can this be so?  Not sure, but I suspect it’s those stupid fat cells digging in, not willing to give up the good fight.

Then I discovered a method that is working for me.

The Secret to Losing Weight as we Age

A couple of years ago I discovered what I now refer to as The Fifty Fix.. This is the last diet you will ever need; it is the answer to weight loss for women over 50.   It is a method of losing that will not only guarantee weight loss if you follow it closely, but it will turn off the constant chatter in your brain that prompts you to continually think about food.

However, that’s not what makes it incredibly effective. The Fifty Fix has managed to figure out and address why women (and men) cannot stay on a diet.  It explains how the brain, human needs, and emotions factor into weight loss. This is what makes it different.  This unbelievable plan helps you examine your own life and then account for this knowledge in adjusting the plan to suit you perfectly.

You lose weight and feel better in the process.

  • Imagine putting on your clothing and having it be too big!
  • Imagine hearing positive comments from people who have not seen you in a while.
  • Imagine liking what you see when you try on a new outfit in the dressing room of your favorite store.
  • Imagine shopping for clothing in a smaller size.
  • Imagine the feelings of happiness and success you will experience when you hop on the scale.

These are just a few of the emotions that The Fifty Fix will lead you to.


The Fifty Fix may not be for everyone, and if you have a plan that is working for you, I strongly suggest you stay with it.  But if you have struggled for years to get your pre-menopausal figure back, this plan is a method that can help you do so.

Of course, check with your doctor to see if Unlock the Secret is okay for you to try.  Please let me know how it worked for you!
